Anne Campbell Design: Web design and logo design in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts.

Website design and Joomla! content management system (CMS) development in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts.
Contact me for a free estimate.

Hooray for the new site—it’s incredibly gorgeous! Please put me on your list of references so I can tell your prospective clients how much I love working with you!

Lesléa Newman, posizionamento sui motori

Lesléa Newman and Lesléa Kids websites

Lesléa Newman

Lesléa Newman, an award-winning author for both adults and children, was ready for an update to the separate websites she maintains for her two distinct readerships. Both websites were over 19 years old and were difficult to edit because of outdated technology. We built the new sites in WordPress, making it easy for users to navigate the wealth of content, and also very simple to update when Lesléa publishes new books. The two sites have distinct but harmonious designs and reflect her personal style.

Launch the Lesléa Newman and Lesléa Kids websites in a new window.